Tag Archives: baking

Autumn feelings: Oat ginger cookies.


So it has been a while… i know i haven’t been as consistent as i’d wish to be. I guess that is life but this blog has always been on my mind and i have so many ideas that i would love to share with all of you. Ideas that i have been wanting to share for such a long time, i have to write all these ideas down and bring them together somehow, so that i do not forget  and actually get to share them with you all.

I am happy though that i am no longer very hard on myself, i used to really be mean to myself if everything that i set out to do didn’t turn out the way i had planned. I am a huge writer of lists and plans, I write a plan almost every night! Thing is that i hope to achieve most of the things and someday i will but wouldn’t life be a bore if every single day goes as planned its nice to have a guideline an outline but i think randomness and surprises are what makes life. Not everything needs to be fixed.

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Blacker the berry sweeter the muffin.

This recipe was a roaring success with my brother, who is might i add a very picky person. He is not as supportive of my vegan lifestyle but then again there are not many people around me who are. It gets tough, but instead of arguing or trying to convince my  friends and family i just keep on cooking and preparing delicious meals and i almost always hear hmmmm it tastes real good, i didn’t know vegan could taste good. It tastes good because it is cruelty free and prepared with love and life in mind.

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